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Aperture is the opening of the lens which allows light to pass through the camera. When the f number is smaller it is means that the aperture is larger allowing more light into the camera, the bigger the f number is means the smaller the aperture is therefore less light is being passed through the camera.

Depth of field is the distance between the nearest and farthest object in a camera shot. Depending on the aperture the depth of field is also affected. When the aperture is large the depth of field becomes shallower, making the background blurrier than the object in front and when the aperture is smaller the depth of field is larger and results in a clearer image with both the foreground and background being more visible.

This image is showing the difference of the aperture being used from f/1.2 to f/22. It shows that the image from the f/1.2 end lets in more light and is more exposed whereas the image starts to get less light as the f number increases to f/22.

This is showing the difference of the depth of field between these two images. The first image is being taken by an aperture of f/2.8 and the next image of an aperture of f/8. This shows that the first image is shallow due to the small f number and the next image shows the background becoming more clear and noticeable but not as clear as the subject in the focal. 

This is another example showing aperture and depth of field where we can see that I am shown to be the main focus of the photograph. This image was taken at an aperture of f/1.8 hence showing the background to be blurred and only the foreground as being the element in focus.

This then shows the same picture taken with a change of an aperture of f/16 and we can see that the depth of field is now very large, we can tell this as both the foreground and background are clear.

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